Code Gamer X's Codes
All codes on this page have been provided by Code Gamer X. Thanks goes to CGX for sharing these codes with everyone. If you have a code you'd like to see on this site please send it to me. Epona Glitch
First off you must be kid link and then you go to the part of Lon Lon Ranch where you meet Malon and Epona. Now play Epona's Song in front of Epona and she should start to follow you lead her to the right side of the gate from your view, and she should run off and try to get back to Malon when she does this simply stand infront of her and play Epona's Song three times in a row. Now Epona is frozen running in one place!
Crooked Controller
Get your controller plug and unplug it. Then try plugging it in a lil more than halfway so that you can move but keep doing ituntil some thing weird happens in the circuits that makes link walk wierd this could be helpful if your hands were tired and you wanted link to walk by himself to a specific location.
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